(Subtitle: Later That Evening....)
(Mike, Bob, Dave, and Kelly are leaving together.)
(Mike is walking by a brick wall.)
(Mike walks up to his car and sees something yellow on his windshield.)
Mike: What's this?
NOTICE OF PARKING VIOLATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ You are in violation of the University of California, Santa Cruz Parking Regulations and/or the California Vehicle Code. The Specific violation(s) and amount due are indicated below. Payment or request for review is required within 21 days. Failure to respond within this time period may result in additional penalties. (Bar code) |
Bob (in front of brick wall): Hey, Mike, what's wrong?
(Mike stands next to his car in the parking lot.
We see the parking enforcement officer far off in the distance.)
Mike: They gave me a $125 ticket claiming my permit was "altered.
Why would they think I altered a free permit that I filled out myself?
(We see a parking enforcement officer with dark glasses and a white cane with a red tip.)