Tech Magazine: The Comic Strip
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Tech Magazine News:

New Project
I'm about to release a trilogy of science fiction novels over at Come check it out.

Yes, I'm Still Alive
Just in case anybody is reading this, yes, I'm still alive. I'm working on a CD at Silicon Valley Records. I keep meaning to start drawing this strip again. We'll see.

I at least plan to do a handful of follow-up strips to close off the dangling plot lines, but that will have to wait until the CD project is finished. So little time....

Three Day Rule (April 1)
Tech Magazine will next appear on April 1st. more-->

UF Comment System
Tech Magazine has set up a comment system courtesy of User Friendly. more-->

1000 Distinct Viewers
Last month (January 2002), Over 1000 distinct IP numbers viewed our site. Thanks to all our readers! more-->

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Cartoon for Mar 03, 2002
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Tech Magazine: The Comic Strip is Copyright © 2003, David A. Gatwood. All Rights Reserved. This may be reprinted for personal enjoyment only. Neither this page, nor Tech Magazine strips may be printed in any publication nor re-posted on any web site without prior written permission. Also, please link only to the front page, as the site changes weekly.

Tech Magazine: The Comic Strip is a product of the warped mind of its author. References to Santa Cruz, California are intended as satire only, though some are loosely based on actual events. Any people, places, or stories are fictional although loose parallels to actual events may exist. To the best of our knowledge, there is no magazine called "Tech Magazine".

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